Unique Data Application

Morphit merges the functionality of spreadsheets, databases, and analytical tools into a single, cohesive platform. This unique combination makes Morphit exceptionally powerful and versatile, catering to a wide range of tasks such as assay template definition, planning, plate preparation, reporting, automation, and study design.

Powerful Data Analytics

Morphit empowers scientists with robust features for reading, analyzing, and interacting with data. It seamlessly integrates with various data sources, including reader files, mass spectrometer outputs, and fluorescence instruments, using a configurable import definition tool that shields users from instrument changes. With Morphit, users can automatically apply statistics, summarize data, visualize results in interactive charts and graphs, and perform curve fitting with ease.

Advanced Modelling

Designed for scientists, Morphit offers advanced tools for curve fitting, statistics, and non-compartmental analysis, particularly useful for pharmacokinetics studies. Scientists can effortlessly calculate key PK parameters such as AUC, half-life and more all within the Morphit platform, removing the need for additional expensive, dedicated software.

Flexible Reporting

Create publication-quality report templates and generate standard documentation seamlessly within Morphit. Whether designing management reports like Key Performance Indicators or producing detailed study reports, Morphit streamlines the reporting process, saving time and ensuring consistency in documentation.

Versatile Usage

Morphit is utilized across a broad spectrum of assays, including in vivo pharmacology, in vivo PK, in vitro pharmacology, DMPK/ADME, and inventory and sample preparation. Its adaptability makes it an indispensable tool for various research applications in the pharmaceutical industry.

Morphit revolutionizes data analysis in pharmaceutical research, offering a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline workflows, drive insights, and accelerate discoveries. From unique application capabilities to powerful data analytics, advanced modelling, and flexible reporting features, Morphit empowers scientists to harness the full potential of their data across a wide range of assays.

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